July 9, 2010

10 Ways to Increase Theatrical Awareness

10 Ways to Increase Your Levels of Vibrancy, Theatrical Awareness, and Control

1. Eat the right food-
Lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, and plenty of water! Majority of researchers agree that to increase vitality you have to eat food that's good for your body. Cut down on dairy, fatty foods, and decrease caffeine and sugar intake.
Drip. Drip. Drip.

2. Be reliable but not predictable-
Don't lose your edge by following the crowd. Hang out with people who are energetic individuals, have similar goals to your own, and positive sense of direction.

3. Exercise regularly-
Strength, tone, and build muscles, the goal is to become physically fit and mentally alert. Vary your ways of working out or go outside this summer and play some games!

Exercise Ball!

4. Don't hide behind an "image"-
Allow your personality to shine through, avoid going for a certain "look" because you think it will show off your personality. Wear clothes that suit you, not define you.

5. Spend time outdoors-
Take some time to go for a brisk walk in a natural setting. It can clear your head, give you a sense of liberation, and allow you to put things in perspective. Try "People Watching," and notice tendencies and mannerisms of certain 'characters' you can draw from when you're acting.


6. Get the balance right-
Take time to step outside of yourself and check that work and play are balanced. It's important to work hard, but it's equally important to have a release from work, so you're able to return with renewed energy. And, whatever you do, always maintain a sense of humor about yourself.

7. Act-
Get out there! Get involved with anything and all theatre, or acting, or whatever your interest may be. Regardless of level, project, or whether you're acting or coaching, all experience is valuable.


8. Attend live stage performances-
Aim to see as many theatre performances as possible, from professional to amateur, good and bad. The content and top-notch execution of a top level production will be relevant to your preparation. Likewise, poor productions can help you pinpoint your problem areas. Try to study all different types of creativity and art, such as art galleries, concerts, ballet, opera, where ever creative input and dramatic delivery are still key.

9. Sleep!-
Get enough rest, sleep helps revitalize physical and mental energy levels.


10. Be committed to success-
If learning to act, sing, dance, direct, write, whatever you want to do is more important than anything else, then make finding time to learn the most important thing you do. Make a plan and stick to it, keep going until you arrive where you want to be!

Tips inspired by "100 Projects To Strengthen Your Acting Skills" by Jona Howl.

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