August 19, 2010

It's Not Your Fault You Didn't Get The Part

It's Not Your Fault You Didn't Get The Part

This is an optimistic post. But sometimes there truly are good reasons why you didn't get that role. You went into the auditions confidant, nailed your monologues, and even complimented the judges. You just knew you had that part!

Then the phone rings. You didn't get the part.

Here are a number of influences to explain why you don't always land the role of your dreams:

1. You are physically wrong for the role in terms of the conventional approach to the characters.

2. You are too tall or too short to play opposite an actor whom the Director feels must be cast.

3. You look too much like an actor chosen for another important role.

4. Another actor is an 'audience favourite.'

5. The Director's intuition mandated a different choice.

6. The parts you wanted were in fact pre-cast, even though you were informed all parts were open.

7. The Director or Theater Owner (really, any big wig) decides to play that role last minute.

8. The Director is sleeping with - or wants to sleep with - the actor who gets the role instead of you.

9. Someone with lots of cash who helps fund the production persuades the Director to choose someone of their liking for the role.

10. The Director is just a jerk. Or completely incompetent. There's plenty of them out there.
